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Central European Initiative: Know-how Exchange Programme – Call For Proposals 2019

The Central European Initiative (CEI), a regional forum with 17 member Countries, including Italy, which is its principal contributor and now holds its rotating Presidency, on 9 May launched a call for proposals to be co-financed through the “Know-How Exchange” (KEP) programme that is entirely financed by Italy through the InCE (CEI) Fund held at the London-based European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

The KEP programme aims to promote the socio-economic development of the geographic area comprised within the CEI, and especially the dissemination of EU values and standards through the cooperation of both public and private legal entities of the CEI member Countries of the EU (Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, Poland, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Romania, Slovenia, and Hungary) and non-EU CEI partner countries (Albania, Belarus, Bosnia Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Serbia, Ukraine).

The documents concerning the KEP Programme and of the Call for Proposals 2019 are available on the CEI website at The deadline for the submission of proposals is 1 July 2019.

Documents: Call for Proposal; Plan of Action